Thursday, April 28, 2016

Redefining Genius Hour at Millwood with Google Apps

The SAMR model that was designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura as a framework for understanding stages of technology integration.  The infographic below outlines nicely how Google Apps can be used to augment, modify and ultimately redefine learning.  That is exactly what has happened to our Genius Hour program at Millwood.  Before we used GAFE, we did use some technology in Genius hour but we were very much at the substitution and augmentation stages of the SAMR model.  Instead of researching a topic at the library in books some students augmented their book research with Google searches.  Instead of writing by hand, they typed up a report that they would print, glue to a project board and present to the class.  GAFE has completely changed the inquiry and sharing aspects of Genius Hour.  Students are now able to access the information they need without ever leaving Google slides by using the research tools.  They are able to create rich multimedia Google Slide decks by simply pulling images with the link attached into their slides and simply clicking insert to embed videos.  They are making their slide decks interactive by adding animations, and by using linking to other pages within their Google Slides.  They are obtaining primary data by using Google Form surveys.  The talk in front of the class is still an option for sharing the learning, but students can also use the share button to have seamless collaboration with classmates on projects.  They could share by then posting their work Google Classroom or on our class Google Site. This year our projects have been 100% paperless thanks to Google Apps.  The work that many students have done is so far beyond anything students were able t create last year.  Millwood's Genius Hour has truly been redefined due to our shift to using the GAFE suite of tools.

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