Tuesday, April 26, 2016

George Kouros: Reflection is part of your work!

George Couros  -- principal, consultant, author and innovator in the field of education-- was a keynote speaker at TDSB Google Camp this year.  During his talk as well as in his blog he encourages educators to reflect.  Many people counter that is that there is no time, but his response has been that, "reflection is part of your work. It is important that you make it part of your day, as it should be a part of your student’s day.(http://georgecouros.ca/blog/archives/3531) I agree with this statement and the sentiment that without reflection, we would be at the whim of every new fad in education.  In my previous post I wrote about embracing change, especially when teaching with technology, but there are so many tools and programs to choose from and we have finite time and resources.  Time spent reflecting on which ones might best support student learning is time well spent.  We need to reflect on what we believe, what we have experienced, the ideas and opinions of others and only when we have a clear picture of where we've been can we develop a vision for the future.

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