Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Embracing the Idea of Web 2.0

I've been thinking about the term "Web 2.0" and how to shift what we do in our classroom from being consumers to producers on the internet.  When I asked myself why we were so slow to share our projects, and realized at there was really only one thing standing in our way.  The biggest barrier was the idea that our work needed to be totally perfected and refined before sharing.  A paradigm shift was needed here if we were ever going to feel ready.  Since we are supposed to celebrate the journey more than the destination, then why not open up our journey so others can follow along?  At first, students posted their projects that were "under construction" on Google Classroom where only their classmates could see them and give them feedback.  This went so well that, as long as their work was mostly done, many have chosen to post on our class website.  Now, once a child feels their project is ready "enough", they post so their parents and other supporters can follow along as students complete their journey during these last six weeks of school.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive.  Our students feel motivated and encouraged by having others react and respond to their work.

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