Thursday, June 16, 2016

These are a few of my favourite things! (EdTech blogs)

 I don't mean raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens.  In this post I would like to share my favourite EdTech blogs.  

Here for your reading pleasure are a few of my favourite things!

Inspire / Try / Share:  Learning with Each Other in a Connected World

I love this post by Julie Millan. Sometimes, when we go to a conference or a workshop we can feel so overwhelmed by all the new learning that we don't know where to begin.  This post reminds us that the important thing is to begin somewhere.  Just try one thing!

HackTheClassroom:  Adventures in Transforming Education

Below are two great posts from Michelle Cordy's blog Hack the Classroom.  I got the chance to listen to her speak at the Kitchener #gafesummit and was so impressed by the creative ways she uses educational technology.  I have her to thank for showing me a great many ways to use Google Apps for Education to be more organized in my teaching.  If you ever get a chance to attend one of her presentations do!  I particularly like  these two blogs in which she reflects on inquiry based learning:

Here's a post by TDSB's own Sandra Chow.  You'll find many great posts on , a blog "by educators, for educators."  I've had several chances to learn from Sandra Chow as she is a Digital Lead Learner in TDSB and presenter at #gafesummits.  I love that she doesn't just show what an EdTech tool can do but that she always says why we should use it.  Her presentations are hands-on and lots of fun yet jam packed with great information.

Sylvia Duckworth:  Connect, Collaborate, Create!

I've watched Sylvia Duckworth win the Ilast 2 demo slams in a 4 in a row winning streak.  What's a demo slam.  Well the second time I saw her present I had just done one myself and was shaking like a leaf.  A demo slam is the scariest most exhilarating 3 minutes when conference presenters "demo" (show live) how to use their favourite EdTech tool in front of pretty much the entire conference.  I did it once.  I feel lucky to have survived it unharmed given that my knees were actually knocking as I descended the stairs from the stage and I had a very real fear of falling off.  I don't know how Sylvia Duckworth does it or all the other amazing EdTech things she does, seemingly with such ease, but if you ever get a chance to watch her present one it's a real treat!

A.J. Juliani, Intentional Innovation

Last but not least, I must recommend A.J. Juliani's blog.  He is the author of  Inquiry and Innovation in the Classroom, Using 20% Time, Genius Hour and PBL to Drive Student Success. , a book which has been a great reference tool for me as a Genius Hour teacher this year. Here's a post he wrote about inquiry and that it is not a new idea.

Today is a Great Day for Learning

I like this post by Dr. Hugh McDonald on the best Genius Hour videos to inspire "resiliency, grit and hope."

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